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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 17, 2023
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If you love horses and want to gain an understanding and relationship with this magnificent animal then you need to visit us.
Adelaide Northern Horse Riding Centre is the ideal place for you and/or your children to learn how to ride a horse. We are extremely particular about making sure the core position and seat of the rider is correct so that you learn to ride correctly and safely.
Horses need quite a bit of regular attention and can be quite expensive to keep so if you are wanting to ride and don't have either the time or money to outlay in owning your own horse, then why not ride one of ours! Our horses and ponies are vastly different so we have horses for all sizes, shapes and of course, personalities.
We cater for all levels of riding experience from the total beginner to the experienced rider looking for more finness and skill. If you don't have your own horse or pony and you are ready to start competing, you may be able to take one of our talented horses to the local show and see how you go.
All of our horses and ponies have unique personalities which we value. They are all very much loved and respected. You won't see us or our staff smacking or growling at the horses or ponies here as that would just be rude and unfair for our much loved animals.
Adelaide Northern Horse Riding Centre is situated on a safe 2.5 acre allotment in the suburb of Lewiston, 10 km West of Gawler and 45 kilometres North of the Adelaide CBD.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
adelaide northern horse riding centre, horse riding adelaide
Fast Contact
124 Gawler Rd, Lewiston SA 5501
0417 417 399
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