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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 13, 2023
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Northern Districts Darts Association Inc. has been involved in Darts for over 40 years.
At the current time we have around 300 full members and are host to two other dart associations with around 200 members.
Darts SA events are held at the clubrooms on a regular basis and some of these events attract players from all over Australia.
We are affiliated with the State and National Body and NDDA has grown a great reputation over the years, producing some of the best players Australia has. As recently as this year we have had players representing Australia at the highest level of competition.
NDDA has a proud history and there is no exception with the current players. We take pride in all of our members' achievements at all levels and encouraging involvement from juniors through to seniors our future looks bright.
We are a member of Good Sports Club Program and have a level three accreditation with them.
With a proactive approach from the committee we are always looking for ways of making the club even more
successful in the future, if you have any ideas that may benefit us please share them with us.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
northern districts darts association, ndda
Fast Contact
58 Homington Rd, Elizabeth North SA 5113
08 8255 6949
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