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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 28, 2023
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The Prince Alfred Old Collegians Soccer Club was founded in 1982 and for many years the Club played at Victoria Park. In 2014 the club underwent a rebrand to align ourselves with the Football Federation of Australia. The club from then on has been known as Prince Alfred FC and we pride ourselves on being a progressive, all-inclusive, amateur sporting club with a proud history and connection with the School.
The Club currently fields three teams across A, B and C Grade and can accommodate players of all skill levels and time commitments. Teams train one to two times per week and training usually consists of drills, fitness exercises and match simulations. Key club events include an annual season launch and presentation night. Throughout the year the Club typically hosts social events such as quiz nights and dinners.
Local Business or Place
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prince alfred collegians soccer club, prince alfred collegians, paoc soccer
Fast Contact
23 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067
08 8334 1880
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