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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 27, 2023
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Welcome to Flinders University Hockey Club one of the first sporting clubs established at Flinders University when the university was founded in 1966. We are a friendly and inclusive club with both student, alumni and general members, and we are always happy to welcome new players to join us. We have 7 active winter teams consisting of Men’s division 3, 5 and 6, Woman’s division 2, 3 and 5 and a Veteran’s team. These teams play in the winter season between April and September, with trainings and home ground located at West Beach. Flinders play in the mixed summer hockey competition as the Flinders Falcons, and run fitness during the off-season on a casual basis. We have an active social calendar throughout the year, with an annual pub-crawl, themed house-party, end of season party and more – see our calendar for our next event. If you are looking for a friendly a social yet competitive club with some of the most affordable fees in the state, we’d love to hear from you!
Local Business or Place
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flinders uni hockey club, flinders hockey
Fast Contact
The University of Adelaide West Beach Hockey Centre, 625 Burbridge Rd, West Beach SA 5024
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