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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 1989
Date updated: March 9, 2023
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Southern Athletic Club exists to support each and every member to enjoy athletics and reach their performance potential.

Our vision is to develop a sustainable, inclusive, community-based athletics club that promotes healthy, active lifestyles; supports its members to achieve their athletic goals; becomes the club of choice for athletes and coaches living in the south; and promotes track & field athletics, road & trail running and triathlon.

Southern Athletic Club was established in 1989 and is open to athletes of all ages and abilities, providing the means for members to train and compete in a supportive and enjoyable environment.

Southern Athletic Club athletes compete in Athletics SA track and field events, at SA Athletic League meets across the state throughout summer; at cross country races during winter; and in year-round road & trail events.

Southern Athletic Club has a number of qualified, experienced and motivated coaches who are able to work with athletes across a range of disciplines to help them realise their full potential. Our athletes range from those at an entry level through to those who regularly compete nationally, including athletes with aspirations to compete at an international level.

Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
Business size:
southern athletic club, southern ac
Fast Contact
Bike Track, Christie Downs SA 5164
0401 033 297
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