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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 8, 2023
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With acknowledgment to Geoff Sando – “Grass Roots 100 Years of Adelaide District Cricket – 1897 -1997”
An early cricket match was recorded between Tea Tree Gully and Houghton in 1854. Although it is unlikely that either of the clubs had a continuous existence, matches occurred among teams representing nearby settlements in later years. At the turn of the century the town boasted a team of substance and visiting city clubs found Tea Tree Gully a popular resort for holiday matches. Teams from the area were fielded in the Prospect District Cricket Association after the Second World War but proposals to join the SACA competition did not emerge until around 1970.

Pertaringa Oval: A former sheep farm which was bought by Tea Tree Gully Council in 1960 to meet the future needs of a developing residential area. Three arenas were planned to cater for cricket, football, soccer, athletics and other sports. The entire area slopes significantly from east to west and the creation of level playing areas was a major exercise. Pertaringa Oval, the main oval, is Tea Tree Gully’s home ground for A grade matches, the first of which was against Sturt in October in October 1983. The adjoining ground, Bulkana Oval, has hosted matches up to B grade level.

Local Business or Place
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tea tree gully district cricket club, ttgdcc, ttgdcc bulls
Fast Contact
Pertaringa Oval, Steventon Drive SA 5091
08 8396 4783
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