Page Info
Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 1, 2023
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About Lube Mobile
Evolution of Lube Mobile
Right from the beginning, in 1982, Lube Mobile strived to be different to an ordinary mechanic. Throughout the company's growth and evolution, to our current position as market leader, we have constantly sought to solve the traditional problems of car service and repair for our customers.
Lube Mobile today remains a 100% Australian-owned company with over 250 employees, a host of workshops nationwide and a genuine belief that taking care of your car can be easy, fast, hassle-free and very cost effective. We have served thousands of satisfied customers, and built a solid base of people who enjoy the convenience of mobile mechanical workshops for their everyday servicing and repairs, as well as for breakdowns.
We pride ourselves on innovation and have set numerous mechanic industry firsts. Our online quoting system and booking process that show mechanic availabilty in "real-time" is a case in point.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
car, repair, crash, garage, mechanical
Fast Contact
311-313 Hanson Rd, Wingfield SA 5013, Australia
+61 133032
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