Learn Fight
by on November 15, 2022  in Taekwondo /
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The following are some of the elements that every competitor has to keep in mind during a taekwondo competition:

1. Every competitor is in the game to win. Therefore they have to create variations and combinations which are unique so that they can be able to score points. One thing that every competitor has to keep in mind is that the variations, combinations and techniques have to be in line with the rules of the game. The aim is to score points and not to earn penalties.

2. A typical taekwondo match usually lasts nine minutes. A fighter has to know when it is necessary to conserve their energy and when it is appropriate to use force and pressure on their opponents.

3. Feinting is a common technique used in sparring. However, the opponent has to use this technique wisely so that their opponent doesn't detect it.


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